Community Services

“The wife of an out of work coal miner contacted me after being laid off from the mines. She immediately told me she had no idea what to do because she had never been in this situation. Her husband had been at the mines for over a decade and money had never really been an issue for them much less health insurance. I took her application and her whole family was approved for Medicaid. She thanked me and let me know how this had put her mind at ease. Three months later she called to let me know her husband had found a great job at a local aluminum factory.”
Erika Hatfield
“My client came to me discouraged as she was short of the time of Medicare, and was in the process of getting a divorce. I talked with her on her options as she was in the FPL for Medicaid, however many of her circumstances were changing due to the divorce and she needed her medications that were past due. I explained to her about the short term PE we currently had, and that I could work with her to direct her in the right direction as steps progressed. She was so very thankful and happy to be able to get her most needed inhaler, and knowing I was there when she needed attention. She has since called me several times and I am so thankful I can be a part of her going through an already difficult time in her life.”
Elizabeth Reeves


“Whatever your situation or need, there's a way to kynect.”
“Good news: kynect is back. Even better news: there's more than ever before. Our expanded mission is designed to be your one-stop shop for a whole range of benefits and resources, all designed to keep your family safe, healthy and happy. kynectors are available in each county to assist individuals with Medicaid or Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program applications and/or plan selection processes through the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange or the federal marketplace. kynect is a program of the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

Please visit: for more information.


LIHEAP, or Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, offers assistance to low-income families with the highest home energy needs who are at imminent risk of losing their fuel source. To apply, please use the Request Assistance button on this website’s home page, or you may call 270-686-1662 for more information

Click here for more information.

Family Preservation & Reunification

The Family Preservation and Diversion Programs provide family counseling by focusing on unique clients’ needs and offering guidance and empowerment opportunities. Services provided may include parenting skills, anger or stress management, basic housekeeping skills, discipline techniques, substance abuse, domestic violence, etc. Our programs are designed to safely maintain the children in their own home, to prevent unnecessary placement outside the home, and to facilitate the safe and timely return of children who have been removed from their home. Services are only accessible through referrals from the Department for Community Based Services in the seven county Green River area.

Community Services Block Grant

The purpose of the Community Services Block Grant programs is to assist communities in reducing poverty, revitalizing low-income communities and empowering low-income families to become self-sufficient. CSBG also brings community awareness to the struggles that low-income families face each day through poverty simulations for area organizations. Help includes low-income heating and energy assistance, emergency food and shelter, CHOICES (helps clients become more self-sufficient by obtaining job skills, financial literacy education and through other community resources), educational scholarships, and food pantries. This project is funded, in part, under a contract with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services with funds from the Community Services Block Grant Act of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


Your donation provides community services to seniors, children and families in need right now.
